Hong Kong Perfins
H&S/B.C with Japanese Paquetbot cancel.
Hong Kong companies stamped their company
names on
their stamps to stop theft.
Webb suggests perfins were
allowed from 1890, however they were used before this date.
Webb has listed 34 Companies that issued
This list has increased since that publication.
The HK Study Circle lists 66 different Companies
that used perfins.
I have the front and back perfin image of each
company listed below.
Still a few to go.
Information on Perfins can be found from the following references.
1. "The Philatelic and Postal History of Hong Kong and the Treaty Ports of China and Japan", by Col. Francis W. Webb
2. "Hong Kong Security Markings List" by Philippe Orsetti and Peter Pugh, listed in the Hong Kong Study Circle Journals.
3. "The Perfins of Hong Kong" by Harvey G. Tilles
4. "Hong Kong Security Markings" by Ming W. Tsang
I wish to thank all of the above for their assistance in providing some of the information used in the following pages.
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The numbers underlined are those used by the Hong
Kong Study Circle.
For more detail look in the links listed below.
Hong Kong Perfin Images Starting with A to B
1 AK / & Co - Arnhold Karberg & Co. Hong Kong
1a AK / & Co - Arnhold Karsberg & Co. Shanghai
2 A P C /H K - Asiatic Petroleum Company Hong Kong
2a A P C /H K - Asiatic Petroleum
Company Swatow cancel
2b A P C /H K - Asiatic Petroleum
Company Foochow cancel
2c A P C /H K - Asiatic Petroleum
Company Amoy cancel.
3 A S W & Co Ld - A.S.
Watson & Company
3a A S W & Co Ld - A.S.
Watson & Company
5mm letters, 75 holes, Foochow cancel
4 B.A.T. - British American Tobacco
4a B.A.T. Co. Ld. - British American Tobacco
5 B & Co. - Bradley & Co.
6 B & Co. / Amoy - Boyd & Co.
Amoy, Hong Kong cancel.
6a B & Co. / Amoy - Boyd & Co.
Amoy, Amoy cancel.
7 B & S - Butterfield & Swire
(Hong Kong)
7a B & S - Butterfield & Swire 6mm letters, 37 holes, Shanghai cancel
8A B C L - The Bank of Canton Limited
8B BK.OF / COM. - Bank of Communications Limited
9 B.I. - Banque de l'Indo-Chine
10 B M / & Co. - Behn Meyer &
10a B. M /& Co. - Behn Meyer &
11 B & S / H - Butterfield & Swire Hong Kong
11a B & S / H - Butterfield & Swire Swatow
12 B & S / S - Butterfield &
Swire cancelled Shanghai
12a B & S / S - Butterfield &
Swire cancelled Hong Kong
13 B W & Co. - Burroughs Welcome & Co.
14 B.E.A. - Bank of East Asia
15 B T O - Bank of Taiwan
Hong Kong Perfin Images Starting with C to G
16 C &/ Co. - Carlowitz & Co.
17 C & C / H - Carlowitz & Co. Hong Kong
17A C . J / T / E . C - China & Japan, Telephone and Electric Co.?
18 C / BK / I - Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China
18A Chase Bank
18B C. / S.S. / B - The
China & South Sea Bank Ltd. HK
18C C.P. Could be C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railways
19 D.A. / B. - Deutsch-Asiatische Bank
20 D.A.T. / Co.Ld. - A variety of
B.A.T./ Co.Ld. with damaged pins.
20A D L / & Co - Company yet not known, could be Douglas Lapraik & Co.
21a D.O.C. - Det Oversishe Compagnes
22 D. & / Co Ld - Dodwell & Co.
23 D & Co / Ltd - Dodwell & Co.
24 D.C / & Co. - Dodwell, Carlill
& Co.
25 E.S. & Co. - Eduard
Schellhass & Co.
25a E.S. & Co. - Eduard
Schellhass & Co. Shanghai cancel.
26 F.B.& Co. - F Blackhead & Co.
27 G & Co. Gilman & Company
Hong Kong Perfin Images Starting with H
28 H.D.P. - Hong Kong Daily Press
29 H E / C - Hong Kong Electric Company
29a H E C - Hong Kong Electric Company
30 H & H - Hall & Holtz Co-Operative Company,Ltd. Shanghai.
31 HS - H. Skott & Co.
31A H K - Hong Kong Government
31B H.K.L. / I.A.C. - Hong Kong Land & Investment Agency Company
32 H.K.E. - No image available yet.
32A H.P / & / Co. LD 70 holes of 5.5mm
33's Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
This is a big field with lots more to be
33 N.S.B.- The perfin punch
deteriorated and the top and bottom perfin
of the H broke
resulting in an N.
33a H S B - Hong Kong & Shanghai
Bank cancelled Shanghai
33a1 H S B - Hong Kong & Shanghai
Bank cancelled Hong Kong
33a2 H S B - Hong Kong & Shanghai
Bank cancelled Amoy
33c H&S/BC (59 holes) Swatow - Hong
Kong & Shanghai Bank
33c1 H&S/BC (60 holes) Foochow -
Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33d H&S/BC (59 holes) Amoy - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33e H&S/BC (59 holes) Hong Kong - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33f H&S / B.C (60 holes) Hong Kong - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33g H&S / B.C (57 holes) Hong Kong - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33h H&S/BC (61 holes) Shanghai
cancel - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33h1 H&S/BC (60 holes)
Canton cancel - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33h2 H&S/BC (60 holes) Amoy cancel - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33i HS/BC (43 holes) Hong Kong/Shangai
- Hong
Kong & Shanghai Bank
33i1 HS/BC (43 holes) Hong Kong - Hong
Kong & Shanghai Bank
Different style B to 33i.
33j HS/BC (43 holes) Amoy - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
33l HS/BC (43 holes) KGV Hong Kong/Shangai - HK & Shanghai Bank
33m H.S/B.C (45 holes) Canton - HK & Shanghai Bank
33o HS/BC (32 holes) - HK & Shanghai Bank
33q H S B (39 Holes) Hankow - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
34 H. W & Co - Holliday Wise & Company
34a H. W & Co - Holliday Wise & Company Shanghai
34b H. W &. Co (1 dot after &) - Holliday Wise & Company Shanghai
34c H. W &. Co (2 dots after &) - Holliday Wise & Company Shanghai.
34d H. W & Co - Holliday Wise & Company
34e H. W &.. Co (2 dots after &) - Holliday Wise & Company
Hong Kong Perfin Images Starting with I to P
35 I B C - International Banking Corporation HK
36 J.T.S / H.K. - Japanese Trading Society Hong Kong
36A K. - Hong Kong Government.
37 K & Co. - Kruse & Company
38 K&H/ C - No image available yet.
39 K & W - Kelly & Walsh.
39a K & W - Kelly & Walsh.
Hong Kong cancel.
40 L C - Lane Crawford HK
41 L & Co. - W.R. Loxley & Co.
42 LS - L Soyka No Images available yet.
43 M & C - Melchers (41 holes)
No images available yet.
43a M & C - Melchers Hong Kong
cancel (50 holes)
43a1 M & C - Melchers (50 holes) Swatow cancel
43b M C - Melchers, Hong Kong
43c M C - Melchers, Shanghai cancel.
44 M B K - Mitsui Busan Kaisha
45 M.B.I - Mercantile Bank of India
46 N.C.H - North China Herald
47 N A / S C - Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co.
48 N.C./B./N.Y. - National City Bank of New York
48A Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappij ?
49 O.C.B.C. - Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Limited.
50 P & Co. - Could be R & Co. with pins missing?
51 P & O / B.C -
Peninsular & Orient Banking Corp.
51a P & O / B.C - Peninsular & Orient Banking Corp. flat top &
52 P C / A - Pasedag & Company (Amoy)
Hong Kong Perfin Images Starting with R to Y
53 R & Co. - Russell & Co. (Amoy)
53a R & Co. - Russell & Co. (Hong Kong)
53A R & Co. (O inside C) - Reiss
& Co. (Shanghai)
53B R R / & CA.. Roxas Reyes & Company, Philippines. 56 holes, 5mm letters
54 S & Co. - Siemssen & Co.
55 S.B/& Co. - Believed to be Smith Bell & Co.
55A S.C.S.B. - The Shanghai
Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd.
55B S D / & /
E Co. 6mm letters, 60 holes, Shanghai.
56 S H S - Shing Hwa Savings. (Shanghai)
57 S K - No image available yet.
58 S.W. & Co. - Sander Wieler & Co.
58A T - Hong Kong Government New Territories.
59 T C / & / S - Thomas Cook
& Sons 3 line
59a T C / & S -
Thomas Cook & Sons 2 lines. 7 Holes in C HK Office
59b T C / & S - Thomas Cook & Sons 2 lines. 8 Holes in C Shanghai Office
60 T/EC - Partial of III-17A C J / T / E C.
60A U I / S C - Union Insurance Society of Canton. No image yet.
61 U T / Co - Union Trading Co.
61A V & C - Vogel & Co., Canton
62 V / & Co- Vogel & Co., Canton
63 V. H / & Co - Vogel, Hagedorn & Co., H.K.;
64 W. & Co - W. A. Hannibal & Co.
65 W - Company not yet identified.
65A W/KF - Company not yet identified.
66 Y S / B - Yokohama Specie bank
67 6 pointed star 12 holes. Design made of 4 rows of 4 hole each 6mm in length.
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