The Manly Warringah Leagues Club
Stamp Club
January 2007 Meeting Images

There were 9 members at the meeting.

The main talk was from Gloria Bradley on Tree Dwelling Mammals.

Click on the thumbnail images for a larger image

The Items of interest and recent acquisitions

The Literature talk was on Hong Kong Security Markings and trying to identify the companies.

Members keenly listening to Gloria's talk.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.  Gloria's talk was on Tree Dwelling Mammals.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

Thirsty work all that listening.  Frank Schmidt gave the vote of thanks.
Click on the Thumbnails for a larger image.

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